

Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It is a condition that occurs when the pressure inside of your large arteries is too high. Because it is a silent disorder, the only way to detect hypertension is to have your blood pressure measured.

Hypertension is a very common problem that affects about 50 million people in the United States alone. It is more common as people grow older and is both more common and more serious in African Americans.

Results Household Health Surveys in 1995 showed prevalence of hypertension or high blood pressure is high enough in Indonesia, which is 83 per 1,000 household members.

In general, women suffer more hypertension compared with men. Prevalence in areas outside Java and Bali is greater than in the both island. This is closely related to eating patterns, especially the consumption of salt, which is generally higher outside Java and Bali.

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2 komentar to “Hypertension”

wawwwww... is that the fact !!?? how about me...? hyuhh..
I never check my blood pressure... some day I'll... :D
BIG smile 4 u...
U'r really care about health....

JoOZ said...

i hope u have good health...

Yulia said...

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